Cranes at the Ready
The container terminal at the port of Hamburg: so-called gantry cranes travel to and fro at a vertiginous height of 60 metres above the ground, serving to load and unload even the largest vessels in around 30 hours. These cranes run on rails with a traverse of 110 metres. Immense loads and 24-hour operation subject these tracks to huge stresses and strains. To prolong their service life and to prevent unwanted standstills, Vossloh is using a specially developed plane that is moved by the gantry crane. A grinding machine is then used to remove surface defects. At the container terminal Burchardkai (Port of Hamburg) the gantry cranes of the new automated warehouse will run in the future on tracks fitted with Vossloh rail fastening systems, which will be capable of withstanding axle loads of 72 tonnes and lateral loads of up to 12 tonnes.
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